Saturday, 24 November 2018

Mechanical Properties Of solids

Any Material Having a Fixed Shape  and a Defined Volume is called a solid.
They are of great importance to us as they are everywhere around us.
Solids can  classified into two categories:


When an external force is applied to a body, its shape or size may change.
Elastic bodies are those solids which regain after such a deformation.
Eg. Rubber


Plastic bodies are those bodies which do not gain back their original after removal of the load from them.

When we apply a force on a spring, the force by which we stretch it is called the Deforming Force. When the deforming force is removed, the spring gains its original shape back with a force called Restoring Force


The property of a solid by virtue of which it regain its original configuration (shape and size) when there is no external force applied on it is called  Elasticity.

Perfectly Elastic body:

 It is an ideal conceptual body which completely regains its shape back when no external force acts on it.
A quartz fibre is the nearest approach to the perfectly elastic body.


The property of the material body by virtue of which it does not regain its original configuration when the exteral force is removed is called Plasticity

Perfectly Plastic Body:

 A body is said to be perfectly plastic in nature when it does not regain its shape back even when there is no external force acting on the body.
Paraffin wax is the nearest approach to a perfectly plastic body.

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