Wednesday 17 October 2018



A body is said to be in an equilibrium state when all the forces acting on the object equals 0 thus making the object static and does not change the transitional or rotational state of the body.

Types of motion:

A body can posses two types of motion

1. Translatory Motion:

A body is said to be in translatory motion when any given point in the body is moving parallel to the axis.

Translatory Motion

2. Rotational Motion:

A body is said to be in rotational motion when any point point in the body is revolving around axis of rotation with a fixed radius.

Partial Equilibrium 

A body is said to be in a state of Partial Equilibrium if it is either in translatory equilibrium but NOT in rotational equilibrium or vice-versa.

A body can also possess both Rotational as well as Translatory motion at the same time.


  • When two forces of the same magnitude and acting in the same direction are applied at two different positions of a body, then the given body is in rotational equilibrium but not in the translatory equilibrium.
  • When two equal and opposiet forces are applied at two different positions of a body, then the given body is in translatory equilibrium but not in the rotational equilibrium.

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